This is my 4th caboose conversion, pretty much identical to the third so I didn't bother to take any
separate pictures of that one. I even kept the Atlas factory number. Conversion is the same as done on
the two blue C31 cabooses. Replace the cupola with the Moloco kit, and replace the right side small window
with a large one. The rest is just painting and decals, and a little weathering. I currently have four more
blue C31s under construction. N&W had 200 of these cars, and during my modeling period they were all technically C31
and none were rebuilt to pool specs until 1976. But because my modeling time frame is somewhat transient from
1973 to about 1977 (allowing for more SD40-2s, and even a few C30-7s) I can also allow some C31-P cars. But the
bulk of my modern caboose fleet will be in blue.
As usual, the flash is not kind to the model. The weathering is almost obliterated, and the red
ends up even brighter than reality.
Weathering is my ongoing experimenting with oil and mineral spirits. I really like the working time, and
on top of most factory paint it doesn't dissolve the underlying layer.
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